Quiz 2 Results & Claim

Jul 13, 2021



  • 1,271 members participated in AladdinDAO’s second Quiz
  • A total of 1,192 scored at least 60 points.
  • 1,191 participants will receive Quiz 2 token airdrop
  • Claim your rewards at https://airdrop.aladdin.club/.

Congrats to those who passed our second Quiz. Many of you demonstrated deep knowledge of our token mechanism.

The results of AladdinDAO Quiz 2 qualifiers can be found in the table.

We have also detected a few participants using multiple accounts. This violates our community rule. In order to protect the interests of the AladdinDAO community, we have excluded these accounts.

Don’t forget to participate in our last Quiz. At the end of the Quiz, participants can apply to become Boule Candidate.

*AladdinDAO reserves the right not to issue rewards in the case of bot attacks




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